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It is not on the CNV agenda because they hope to recruit members with it.

CNV members in public transport are massively (97%) willing to campaign for a new collective labor agreement. That is the outcome of the member consultations held yesterday and today. “We will send an ultimatum to the employers tomorrow morning. 

If the employers do not respond, we will prepare large-scale actions together with FNV,' says negotiator Hanane Chikhi of CNV Vakmensen. Negotiations on a new public transport collective agreement (13.000 employees) failed last week. For the unions (FNV and CNV Vakmensen) it was one very last try to get out, after the start of negotiations on December 9.

not just wages

According to Chikhi, the conflict is not only about wages, but also about better arrangements for the elderly and tackling the high workload. 'From one investigation that they held last autumn shows that no less than 3 out of 4 employees suffer from high work pressure. It really is a big problem, they also see it in the particularly high absenteeism at many transport companies.

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Hanane Chikhi.

"This gives employers one last chance to prevent large-scale actions in urban and regional transport. We hope that they seize the opportunity not to disappoint both their employees and travelers. If they don't, the travelers will unfortunately A very restless time in public transport in the coming weeks."

The schedules are too tight, requests for leave are rejected too often and drivers only have 15 minutes in late shifts to eat a hot meal. During the negotiations they asked to make it at least 20 minutes. And employers simply reject such a proposal. “Then you wonder: what are they doing?”, says Chikhi. CNV Vakmensen will first send an ultimatum to employers' organization VWOV on Wednesday morning.

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