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The final of the Self Driving Challenge will take place on Friday 10 June 2022 on the junior TT circuit in Assen. A unique project in which student teams compete with each other by having their self-driving vehicle race on the track. The fourth edition of the challenge is hosted by presenter and motoring journalist Roland Tameling, known as the 'Huge Car Guy'.

self-driving challenge

The Self Driving Challenge offers young talent the opportunity to further develop their skills in the field of smart mobility for six months. The student team that allows a self-driving vehicle to race over the track in the fastest time without errors is the winner of the Self Driving Challenge edition 2022. The vehicle class with which the race will be driven this year is an electric kart. The student teams from participating educational institutions Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, together with RDW, strive for a sustainable and safe future of self-driving vehicles.

Unique opportunity

It is a unique opportunity for educational institutions to contribute to the Netherlands of tomorrow. They gain knowledge about autonomous driving and can experience this themselves on the track with the latest techniques. In the competition, a jury of experts assesses the teams on various aspects. In order to reach the final, the teams must complete qualifying rounds. That will happen on June 7.


The RDW facilitates the challenge and provides the participating educational institutions with the necessary hardware and software. In addition, the RDW will organize the necessary test days and knowledge sessions in the coming months in which knowledge and expertise will be shared.

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“Given the step forward that Europe is making in the field of permitting autonomous vehicles, the challenge in the coming years will remain of great importance to gain insight into the possibilities and impossibilities of autonomous functions. But also to use the knowledge gained for tightening regulations.”

Smart mobility and education

Stimulating research into self-driving vehicles in the context of safety, sustainability and legal certainty in mobility, that is the mission of the RDW. The RDW also wants insight into the changing world in which we find ourselves. Vehicles are increasingly automated and developments follow each other at a rapid pace. A good check of the reliability, operation and safety of the technology is of great importance here.

Photo above: Marc Venema /

Photo below: Aerovista Aerial Photography /

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TT circuit Assen.