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The Association of Public Transport Employers (VWOV) understands that the unions choose to strike on election day and that they then want to take a week's breathing space.

VWOV does not understand the strike on election day despite unions and employers meeting again. Meeting again should give the negotiations between employers and unions a chance to succeed. Fred Kagie, chairman of the VWOV: 'It is hard to explain why the unions still opt for a strike on 15 March. This has a major impact on people who depend on public transport, who want to vote tomorrow and who are unable to do so independently now.'


Residents of the province of Groningen who cannot travel on their own can take the hub taxi to the polling station and back for free on 15 March. On presentation of a voting pass, the hub taxi transports residents who would otherwise not be able to get to the polling station. The province of Groningen has decided to do this because it considers it important that everyone who wants to vote can vote. It book a hub taxi must be made at least one hour before departure and can only be done by telephone. The telephone numbers can be found on the website of the hub taxi. 


Kagie says about the inserted period and the scouts: 'It is up to the scouts to assess whether they see sufficient opportunities in a week to be able to start negotiations after that period. In any case, we do not actually negotiate with strikes or strike threats in the background. This period therefore lends itself well to an exploration by the process supervisors and we are certainly open to that.'

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Kagie: 'We hope that this short period of time offers enough space for the scouts to investigate what possibilities we see from both sides. Scouts can work as informants this week to see what is needed to start negotiations after that period. If the outcome is positive, we will appoint a 'formateur' as soon as possible after this exploration, so that we can actually start the negotiations.' 

When we return to the negotiating table, we can start with a clean slate. We will then review how we use the available resources for agreements in the new collective labor agreement. We want to make every effort to reach an agreement. Agreements must be affordable and feasible', says Kagie. 

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