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Traveling is probably the first thing we think about when the worst of the corona pandemic is over. Never before have we felt such a need to be able to do things that we enjoy without having all kinds of rules attached to it. The freedom to travel all over the world again, without all kinds of restrictions and rules. But can we travel again in the future without restrictions and rules? 

Everywhere we read and hear the stories about countries that are in favor of a digital corona passport. According to news website ONGOING Tomorrow, the European Union will present a plan for a digital corona passport (green certificate) for EU citizens who certify their corona status. The European Union is a strong supporter of the Corona passport. With this pass, an EU traveler should have access to all countries in the EU. 

This card can state 3 things, 1: whether the person has been vaccinated against the coronavirus, 2: whether they have already been tested for the corona virus and 3: whether they have antibodies because they have been sick by the corona virus. This would therefore mean that you not only enter an EU country with a corona vaccination, a test certificate or proven antibodies in the blood should also be sufficient. 

Namely, not everyone will be vaccinated this summer, and of course it is not fair if these unvaccinated people cannot go on vacation. The plan is to have the vaccination passport ready by the summer holidays. Tomorrow we will probably hear more about this and it is hoped that we will be back to freedom around the summer.

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