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You have probably seen the military police at Eindhoven Airport. The Marechaussee monitors external borders, maintains public order, intervenes in emergencies and issues emergency documents. In addition, they often act in the immediate vicinity of the airport during checks on the access roads to and from the airport. 

The Marechaussee helps, monitors and signals. To this end, the Marechaussee works together with Customs and FIOD, among others. If the Marechaussee sees deviant behavior or a suspicious situation, they must proceed to check. Among other things, citizens are asked to identify themselves. The Marechaussee performs proactive checks on the basis of experience and professional intuition, but they must also be able to objectively substantiate the choice for their check.

"The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee watches over the security of the State. In the Netherlands and far beyond. It is deployed worldwide in places of strategic importance. From the royal palaces to the outer borders of Europe. From airports in the Netherlands to war and crisis zones all over the world. world. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee is versatile for security, especially when it comes down to it."

license Plate

In those checks that are regularly carried out by the Military Police along the roads around the Eindhoven airport we often see that Polish, Romanian, Hungarian and Bulgarian license plates are systematically picked out. No discrimination because a Dutch judge recently ruled that the Marechaussee may use ethnic profiling and that this is not by definition seen as discrimination. The Council of Europe is not pleased that the Netherlands is normalizing discrimination in this way, so they wrote a letter to ministers Ollongren and Grapperhaus about this. As long as ethnicity is not the only reason for extra checks, it is not discrimination, according to the judge.

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ethnic profiling

Ethnic profiling is the use by the police of criteria or considerations about race, color, ethnicity, nationality, language and religion in investigation and law enforcement at both an operational and organizational level, when there is no objective justification for this. It is objectionable and up for debate. Ethnic profiling is about disproportionately stopping citizens on the basis of their visible ethnic background.

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