GTL distances itself from the request of many taxi drivers

GTL distances itself from the request of many taxi drivers

GTL immediately responded with a press release stating that it has distanced itself from the request of many taxi drivers who are requesting a cessation of activities within the taxi sector. The National Federation of…

GTL wants extra measures to save the taxi sector

GTL wants extra measures to save the taxi sector

The National Grouping of Taxi Companies (GTL) urges that additional measures be taken quickly to save the taxi sector, primarily a temporary reduction in social…

Permits reserved for electric taxis in Ghent

Permits reserved for electric taxis in Ghent

There are currently 13 electric taxis driving around in Ghent. There are so many in no other Flemish city. That is why Bond Beter Leefmilieu, the Belgian Taxi Federation (GTL) and the city of Ghent…

Thanks to new regulations, more Flemish taxis will drive around…

Thanks to new regulations, more Flemish taxis will drive around…

Flemish Minister of Mobility Ben Weyts has given substance to the new Taxi Decree in an implementation decree. The Flemish Parliament approved that decree in March and since then, bodies such as…