Renewed Bibob Act will come into effect on August 1...

Renewed Bibob Act will come into effect on August 1...

The amendment to the Bibob Act that comes into effect on August 1, 2020 strengthens the approach to undermining. Ministers Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) and Dekker (for Legal Protection) want…

The coast will be locked this weekend, the law...

The coast will be locked this weekend, the law...

Good weather has been predicted for this weekend, but West Flemish Governor Carl Decaluwé is once again calling on the population to stay away from the coast. Going up the coast…

Waiting time 15 minutes, error in law according to Lydia...

Waiting time 15 minutes, error in law according to Lydia...

According to the new Flemish taxi decree, anyone who orders a taxi ride must wait at least fifteen minutes. Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open VLD) now wants to adjust that rule, she said in…