Waiting for the bus remains a daily reality for Rotterdam residents…

Waiting for the bus remains a daily reality for Rotterdam residents…

Although Trevvel, the organization responsible for this student transport, claims that the driver shortage has been resolved, practice turns out to be different.

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Digital warnings for school zones increase road safety

Digital warnings for school zones increase road safety

The trial period showed that modern technology can have a direct impact on the driving behavior of motorists. The introduction of a digital warning for motorists when approaching school zones...

Coaches as a false solution in student transport

Coaches as a false solution in student transport

The answer to a coach driver shortage seems to be a solution that raises more questions than it answers. At first glance, the use of coaches seems like a pragmatic solution, but…

riding a bike

Think twice before you drive…

The beach bag is replaced by a well-filled school backpack. As most people know, the start of the school year is a time of renewed energy, new school supplies and reunions...