car driver

SFM: Webinar for women in healthcare transport about the challenges…

Today we noticed a special call via platform X, addressed to women working in the healthcare transport and taxi sector. The call, entitled “Ladies working in…

Taxi center De Meierij

Transparency: Social Fund is committed to clarity in…

The difference between service blocks and the maxflex scheme within the Collective Labor Agreement for Healthcare Transport and Taxi is large and plays a crucial role in the employment conditions and work planning of the driving staff...

Taxi policy and VVR code often clash with reality

Taxi policy and VVR code often clash with reality

The makers of Meldpunt emphasize that the current transport regulations, drawn up by the Social Mobility Fund, can be improved.

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More attention to how taxi regulations can limit mobility

More attention to how taxi regulations can limit mobility

With approximately half a million mobility scooters in the Netherlands and a growing aging population, this issue is not only urgent, but also growing. Safety regulations in taxi transport in the Netherlands are a…

Research agency Panteia adjusts NEA index after discovery of calculation error

Research agency Panteia adjusts NEA index after discovery of calculation error

Unfortunately, it turned out that Panteia incorrectly calculated the new cost shares, with the result that the NEA index had to be adjusted downwards by 0,6% to 3,4%. In…

NEA index sets the tone: cost development of healthcare and taxi transport is increasing…

NEA index sets the tone: cost development of healthcare and taxi transport is increasing…

This annual benchmark, commissioned by the Social Fund for Mobility, is traditionally announced at the end of October and sheds light on expected cost developments in the sector. Panteia, an independent research agency, has…

Historically high NEA index for 2023 is 13,7%

Historically high NEA index for 2023 is 13,7%

The main cause of the historically high NEA index is the increase in energy prices. The NEA index has been announced with a one-day postponement due to collective labor agreement negotiations with CNV Vakmensen. Panteia…

Final publication date of NEA index postponed

Final publication date of NEA index postponed

Strikers are not obliged to report to their employer that they are going to strike. The determination and publication of the NEA Index has been postponed again by 2 weeks to November 28…

Taxi center De Meierij

Aspiring drivers Taxi and Healthcare transport drop out

Companies encounter operational problems and clients are dissatisfied. Taxi and Healthcare Transport requires staff throughout the Netherlands. Problems still arise every day due to insufficient taxi staff. To find suitable…

Industry association KNV in favor of new BCT variant

Industry association KNV in favor of new BCT variant

The new BCT variant is intended for the registration of working and rest times. Nothing more nothing less. Over the past two years, KNV has informed the ministry and ILT…

CLA implementation not self-evident for SFM

CLA implementation not self-evident for SFM

Together with Technolution, Social Fund Mobility is taking up the challenge of developing a digital interface. Last week, at the invitation of the Social Fund for Mobility, the most important ICT players...

Clients must take into account the high NEA index

Clients must take into account the high NEA index

Panteia has calculated three scenarios on an annual basis with different fuel prices. The sharply rising fuel prices of the past year have a major effect on the costs of healthcare and taxi transport.…