Belgium scraps travel ban, but the Dutch are in quarantine

Belgium scraps travel ban, but the Dutch are in quarantine

Belgium scraps travel ban, but Dutch people must be quarantined if they stay longer than 48 hours. Next Sunday at midnight, Belgium will scrap the ban on non-essential travel to and from…

Stena Line

Airplanes and ships from Great Britain welcome again

Airplanes from the United Kingdom have been allowed to land again since midnight and ships are allowed to moor in the Netherlands again. According to the outgoing cabinet, the flying and mooring ban has no added value...


Italy extends travel ban by one month until after Easter

More than a year after Italian ICU doctor Annalisa Malara discovered the first corona infection in Codogno hospital, Italy has announced that it will extend the travel ban for a month between…

Indonesia remains closed to foreign tourists

Indonesia remains closed to foreign tourists

While many countries have recently reopened to foreign tourists, Indonesia has decided to postpone opening its borders to foreign tourists, according to various media reports...