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More and more people are aware of the environment, climate change is often the topic of discussion. This year's Fossil-Free weekend is from Friday, October XNUMX to Sunday, October XNUMX. People in North Holland can register for this event. They can download the Movefit app from the end of September and register the fossil-free kilometers of that weekend here. This special weekend is an initiative of the Northern Netherlands Energy Commission and is supported by, among others: NDC Mediagroep, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the provinces, municipalities, Slim en Groen Onderweg, Freonen fan Fossylfrij Fryslân, Groningen Accessible and VNO-NCW Noord .

This Fossil-Free weekend will be held throughout Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. The goal of this weekend is that all of Drenthe, Friesland and Groningen travel fossil-free this weekend. And that 1 million fossil-free or non-driven kilometers will be realized this weekend. Whether people from these regions would cycle to the supermarket or take the bus to the local mall during this special weekend, every mile counts. People who participate can alternatively travel on electricity, hydrogen, green gas, HVO diesel or cycle or walk.

During the fossil-free weekend, all kinds of corona-proof micro-events are planned throughout the Northern Netherlands by partners of the Fossil-Free Weeks Foundation. During these days people, companies and organizations can experience how easy it really is to make fossil-free decisions. Also transport organization Arrives will participate in this special weekend, on Saturday 10 October they will be using an electric bus that will pass all sustainable hotspots in Leeuwarden for free and will be using a bus that will pass all sustainable hotspots at HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) in Heerenveen.

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