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The Rotterdam group carrier Trevvel has been scoring better figures since Christine Eskes became alderman for health care. That writes newspaper 010. Her predecessor Sven de Langen did not have that luck. He has had a hard time since Trevvel became the successor to RMC in 2018. For years there was talk of a festival of mistakes, about which the criticism was not kind, especially from Liveable Rotterdam.

However, the latest report figures from Trevvel Samen and Trevvel Route seem to give little cause for concern. Everything sits comfortably around 7.

The punctuality percentages in particular have been showing an increasing trend line for a long time: to 95%. Even higher at Trevvel Samen, but that can be explained because Trevvel Route transports students, clients and employees to schools, day care locations and work locations. This transport is usually carried out during rush hour.

The number of complaints has fallen sharply since the summer of 2019. The complaint percentage for both Trevvel Route and Trevvel Samen has been stable for a long time at around 0,2% compared to the number of journeys made.

Until now, Trevvel has had few problems with staff shortages, while these were expected in healthcare transport and also occur nationally in the industry. But Trevvel has been able to recruit enough staff over the past year thanks to ongoing recruitment campaigns.

Also read: Coalition agreement, the effects on our mobility