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Alcohol therefore disrupts the natural balance in the brain. The day after, your body wants to restore that balance.

The seventh edition of Tournée Minérale will start throughout Belgium. Alcohol is already completely taboo in traffic, but we still challenge everyone not to drink alcohol for a month in February. One of the times when it seems obvious that we drink alcohol is when we get together with family. And that is perfectly possible without alcohol.

Tournée Minérale belongs to everyone! A month without alcohol is the time to organize all kinds of fun.

February will again be the alcohol-free month. But don't get us wrong: participating doesn't mean you're in for a boring four weeks! The options for non-alcoholic entertainment are endless. In fact: Tournée Minerale can be the perfect opportunity to organize something fun for your customers, your neighbors or just for everyone. Organizing a mocktail workshop with your catering business or association? Would you like to invite your residents to an alcohol-free reception as a municipality? Organizing a large non-alcoholic party? Everything is possible!

hangover in traffic

The physical discomfort that a hangover brings can also signal your body that it is stressed. For example, your heart has to pump harder to send blood through your body, just as it does when your body responds to a real threat. The negative feelings associated with your hangover also have to do with how alcohol affects your brain.

Participating in Tournée Minérale is not a solution for those who experience problems with their alcohol consumption. Are you concerned about your alcohol consumption or do you have questions? Contact anonymously The Drug Line for an initial tailor-made advice. You can find online help and guidance at Alcohol help.

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