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About 375.000 train travelers have made use of the NS corona scheme in recent months to adjust or pause their train subscription. NS announces this on their website. The sale of new train subscriptions almost came to a standstill in recent months. Because many people worked from home and the advice was to only use public transport for essential journeys, the number of train travelers dropped dramatically in mid-March. With various schemes for both business and private customers, the NS has helped its travelers so that they did not have to incur unnecessary costs.

In March, NS made it possible for private travelers with a train subscription to pause their subscription immediately. NS has made separate agreements with business customers to contain fixed costs. About 60% of the commuters decided to temporarily stop the NS subscription. About 5% of travelers with a discount card have temporarily stopped their NS season ticket.

Because of the corona status, NS had a number of other arrangements for travelers. For example, the validity of optional days for people over 60 has been extended until the end of this year. These selection days are normally only valid for two months. The NS has also extended certain action train tickets in validity. NS travelers who had a monthly subscription that could not be canceled prematurely received a 50% discount from the NS. A money-back scheme applied to international train travelers. Approximately 270.000 international travelers took the opportunity to cancel or rebook their ticket.

De NS had a special basic timetable from the end of March due to the corona conditions, so that travelers who were dependent on the train could still travel. The NS timetable was back to normal from 2 June. However, all kinds of measures have been taken that travelers must adhere to. From 1 July, the government's corona advice has been relaxed and travelers are again welcome in public transport, but with a mandatory mask.

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