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A third of Dutch people without a motorcycle license sometimes fantasize about getting on a motorcycle. The main reasons for obtaining the motorcycle license are the feeling of freedom and pleasure (40%), the fact that you are less in traffic jams (30%) and being able to park easily (26%). Yet there are also many Dutch people who do not like to get their motorcycle license because they find motorcycling as something exciting and not safe. This while motorcycling has never been safer than it is today: accident rates and speeds are falling while safety measures are increasing. This and more is apparent from research among more than 1.000 Dutch people without a motorcycle license. The research was carried out on behalf of the RAI Association to kick off March Motor Month. The month to get back on the road with the motorcycle.

Motorcycling increasingly safer
Many Dutch fantasize about motorcycling and see the benefits. However, not everyone is interested in getting their motorcycle license. Half of the respondents do not think that riding a motorcycle is safe or do not feel comfortable with it. “In recent years, motorcycling has become increasingly safer, despite the fact that the perception is sometimes different. The number of fatal crashes involving motorcycles has halved in the past 20 years: from 95 crashes in 2000 to 44 now," said Tom Crooijmans - Vice-Chairman of the Motors Section of the RAI Association. “The industry is working hard to bring this number down even further and change the image of motorcycling as something exciting.” Because it is clear that motorcycling is becoming safer. Technological developments such as ADAS systems in both motorcycles and (truck) cars make the road safer for motorcycles. Motorcycle clothing and motorcycle helmets are also much safer than before. Speeds on roads are also going down: the highway from 130 to 100 km/h and speeds in city centers are also increasing to 30 km/h more and more. The motor is a very suitable mobility product for moving at these speeds.

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Motor as a mobility product
Every day, an average of 65 Dutch people obtain their motorcycle license. Tom Crooijmans sees that more people use the motorcycle as a smart mobility product to get from A to B, while the motorcycle used to be used more as a luxury and hobby product. “The traffic situation in the Netherlands is changing and the roads are becoming overcrowded. As a motorcyclist you have looked at it smartly. You are never stuck in traffic and you always have a parking space. In recent years there has also been a great need for individual transport. The engine is a good solution for that.”

March Motorcycle Month
The research kicks off March Motor Month. The month to hit the road radiantly. With the spring sun showing itself more and more often and the days getting longer, March is the time for many motorcyclists to get out and about. (future) motorcyclists can go to for inspiration to grab their MMM moment, according to Royal RAI Association.

Also read: Mobility is a basic right, Touring is sounding the alarm

March Motorcycle Month.