Flemish taxi companies must apply for Chiron certificates

Flemish taxi companies must apply for Chiron certificates

In order to comply with the new regulations that will come into effect on November 1, Flemish taxi entrepreneurs must get started on time. Eindhoven-based Censys BV has its hands full…

Pitane makes Chiron integration available as an open API

Pitane makes Chiron integration available as an open API

The new regulations in force provide that every holder of a new permit must transmit his/her journey data in real time to the Flemish Government. This obligation would…

GTL is researching Chiron coupling suppliers

GTL is researching Chiron coupling suppliers

From November 1, 2020, there is an obligation to forward the journey data in real time to the Chiron server of the Flemish Government. With this, the government wants to put a stop to…

Pitane Taxi Driver now also linked to Chiron Rit…

Pitane Taxi Driver now also linked to Chiron Rit…

Flemish taxi companies must send their trip data in real time to the government database Chiron as of November 1. Mobile phones and the use of tablets as an alternative to overpriced taxi on-board computers have...