PostNL under pressure: financial and operational challenges are piling up…

PostNL under pressure: financial and operational challenges are piling up…

Herna Verhagen, CEO of PostNL, has spoken out about the need to adjust delivery days to make the company's services future-proof. PostNL is again…

Concerns: the future of student transport in Rotterdam

Concerns: the future of student transport in Rotterdam

The Rotterdam transport company Trevvel, charged with transporting the elderly and students, is under political pressure on the eve of a new tender round. With criticism from various quarters, including the…

Reforms: Court of Audit questions the efficiency of De Lijn reforms

Reforms: Court of Audit questions the efficiency of De Lijn reforms

The term 'basic accessibility' was introduced with the promise to make public transport in Flanders more efficient, flexible and accessible. However, its implementation is now considered by opponents as…

Stricter penalties for smartphone use behind the wheel

Stricter penalties for smartphone use behind the wheel

Infrastructure plans on pause now that the focus is on renovation despite political divisions over road projects in the House of Representatives. Various developments have occurred this week in the Dutch infrastructure and transport landscape…

Call from De Mobiliteitsalliantie gnome socialism and patronizing

Call from De Mobiliteitsalliantie gnome socialism and patronizing

Here the criticism comes down to the idea of ​​“do as I say, not as I do”, which can be considered hypocritical. The idea that larger organizations or authorities…

European Commissioner Frans Timmermans under fire for controversial statements

European Commissioner Frans Timmermans under fire for controversial statements

The prominent member of the PvdA has often used emotional arguments to gain support for far-reaching green proposals. In light of recent events surrounding Storm Poly,…

Suppliers express fierce criticism of the current state of affairs...

Suppliers express fierce criticism of the current state of affairs...

The lack of care, transparency and technical reliability of the Chiron system are major criticisms. The suppliers are frustrated by the lack of communication, the vague manuals and the lack of appropriate…


Merkel scraps strict Easter lockdown after storm of criticism

In Germany, one of the recently agreed corona measures has already been reversed after a storm of criticism. Angela Merkel had decided together with the states after difficult consultations...