
Lean Brexit agreement, big losers are already known

It took 1246 pages to put a meager agreement on paper. Many sectors will sense Brexit and ultimately experience it as a hard Brexit. The most…

Boris Johnson

Traveling to and from the United Kingdom after December 31…

The United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union. This changes some rules. Because the United Kingdom has left the European Union due to Brexit and the transition period is expiring,…

United Kingdom only wants electric cars in 10 years

United Kingdom only wants electric cars in 10 years

In the UK there is a lot of investment in electrified vehicles to reduce air pollution in major cities. Even the British icon – the London Cab – has a…

British government wants people back to work...

British government wants people back to work...

The UK government wants people to return to work rather than staying at home to work as this is the only way to stimulate the economy.…