NS is taking a big step forward in accessibility…

NS is taking a big step forward in accessibility…

With the recent expansion of travel assistance at Dutch train stations, the Dutch Railways (NS) underlines its commitment to equal travel options for everyone.

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Mobility apps don't just offer travel assistance

Mobility apps don't just offer travel assistance

Using a checklist, KiM researchers analyzed the use of seduction techniques in 32 mobility apps. Various mobility apps not only offer travel assistance, but are also equipped with seduction techniques or ways…


Together we ensure that the pressure on public transport is not…

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Dutch Female” buttontext=”read out”] Transport companies work hard to ensure that the pressure on public transport does not become too great and people can travel safely, even when the weather…

NS travel assistance less easy demand due to corona

NS travel assistance less easy demand due to corona

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Dutch Female” buttontext=”read out”] Now that our country is dealing with the coronavirus, the NS Travel Assistance process has been partially adjusted. Travelers can still request NS Travel Assistance for…