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With the NOW, the cabinet is allocating billions to subsidize labor costs for companies where turnover is lost due to corona. The UWV benefits agency wants to be able to fall back on an auditor's report for the final settlement, but the professional group indicates that they run too many risks because the measure is susceptible to fraud.

Are already circulating on the Internet movies which shamelessly explains how companies can 'mess around' with turnover and invoicing in order to keep turnover low during the subsidy control months. Among accountants is restlessness arose about their controlling role in the Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW).

With the NOW, the cabinet is allocating billions to subsidize labor costs for companies where turnover is lost due to corona. For the final settlement later this year, the benefits agency UWV wants to be able to fall back on an auditor's report, among other things. But it is still unclear exactly what it should contain.

In addition, according to the Financieele Dagbladis susceptible to fraud. Entrepreneurs must provide percentages of the loss of turnover per month. But something can be ordered or bought, but not yet paid for. The Dutch Association of Accountants (NBA) now has 'intensive consultations' with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

Responsible minister Wouter Koolmees said before the scheme was opened that he expected that some 100.000 to 150.000 employers would appeal to the scheme. Companies have until 31 May to apply NOW. Before then, the cabinet hopes to clarify a second aid package for ailing companies. The UWV previously announced that companies applying for NOW lose on average almost three-quarters of their turnover.

Also read: Taxi companies register en masse for NOW scheme UWV