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It will not be a while until public transport and the timetable can be used again as usual. What the government has done in recent months to discourage the use of trains, buses or trams may need to do twice to get people back on trains, buses or trams as soon as possible. 

At the moment there is a 'blemish' on the means of transport and that may take a while. We have to look up the alternatives en masse and then the car is the ideal means of transport where you can travel safely without a mask. How hard it was in the past to get travelers on public transport, it turns out to have all been futile.

"A friendly good morning from the tram or bus driver is no longer there because he is safely stored in an hastily timbered wooden workplace with plexiglass windows."

face mask or fine

Already at the stop, the search for the mandatory non-medical face mask begins. If you don't wear it, you risk a hefty fine. The way in which most of them handle the mask suggests that it has already lost its functionality prior to the trip. Then you have a whole group of travelers who get in coughing and sighing in the tram or bus, first look for a seat and only then put on the mask.

discouragement policy 

The Dutch corona approach is aimed at keeping the virus under maximum control, not overburdening healthcare and protecting vulnerable people in society. Employers are taking measures to prevent crowds during rush hour or timetable as much as possible, for example by encouraging working from home and adjusting working hours if traveling is necessary. The public transport is only for necessary travel. Travel outside rush hour as much as possible and keep as far as 1,5 meters away. Avoid busy places and give each other space.

Read also  ILT: Northern bus company gets itself involved in violations

avoid crowds

The use of the train, bus, metro and tram has fallen most sharply due to the corona crisis. When one goes out, this is mainly for groceries or as relaxation and to a lesser extent for work. It is already possible for travelers to check in advance which lines may be busy. Pressure here means that they are at the maximum transport capacity of 40%.

In the near future, transport companies will experiment with signs behind the windshield of buses and trams stating whether there is still room. A red sign means that the vehicle is full, with a green sign there is still enough space. This may mean that you have to take the next bus from the timetable.

Also read: Travel shame or public transport coaches during rush hour

no more friendly good morning
buy ticket in the tram
The signs used on buses and trams to indicate whether it is busy on board.