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Unless there is no other option, work from home, that is the cabinet's urgent request to companies that should take responsibility for staff. Working from home is now again the norm in the Netherlands. Those who have no other choice are allowed to go to work. But if there is an infection in the office, the workplace can close for 14 days. Limit the number of trips and if you return from an area with an orange travel advice due to corona, you will go into home quarantine for 10 days. Wearing a non-medical mouth mask remains mandatory on public transport.

As of September 29, 18.00 p.m. extra national applies measures. In the major cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, it is recommended to wear a non-medical mouth mask while shopping. Retailers can refuse customers who do not comply with this, although the question is which retailer will do so. At home behind the front door a maximum of 3 people applies, excluding children up to and including 12 years. 

“We are scaling up to national measures to stay ahead of the virus, to cut it off,” says Minsiter Hugo De Jonge.

The Catering Industry must not allow any new guests in from 21 pm and must close its doors by 22.00 pm at the latest. Takeaways must close no later than 2.00:22.00 and the sale of alcohol after XNUMX:XNUMX pm is prohibited. The cabinet no longer wants an audience for sports, both amateur and professional, and sports canteens are closed. 

At transfer locations, such as museums and monuments, a visit is based on a reservation per time slot. A total of 30 people may be present inside enclosed spaces. Outside, the rule is a maximum of 40 people. The rule of a maximum of 4 people both indoors and outdoors applies both indoors and outdoors.

Also read: Exciting edition of the Taxi-Expo trade fair on 8 October in Houten

Prime Minister Rutte