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Public transport companies will be nationalized and public transport will be free if it is up to BIJ1 after the elections on 17 March. In addition, public transport will be fully electric by 2030. The party wants to work at a European level to realize a European rail network in a sustainable manner as quickly as possible. Flights within Europe can be phased out in this way. Schiphol is not allowed to expand further. The plans for Lelystad Airport are also being discontinued. Flights within the Kingdom (and Suriname) must also remain affordable in the event of a price increase as a result of measures to reduce air traffic.

A society based on equality, justice and solidarity. That is the dream on which our party is built. A dream that many think can never come true because we have been living in the nightmare of capitalism for generations. 

nature and transport

The Multi-Year Program for Infrastructure, Space and Transport (MIRT) will be an accessibility fund with the aim not only to finance better public transport, but also (local) facilities for bicycles and shared transport. An accessibility standard is set against which all financing plans are tested. This standard determines the maximum geographic distance between citizens and public transport.

BIJ1 is a political party that stands for a Dutch society with equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone. A society in which everyone can be themselves and our differences are not judged, but appreciated. Bij1 arose from a shared desire for connection, solidarity, justice and equality. With respect for our differences, but with a focus on what connects us.

Amsterdam city council

Sylvana Simons (50), party leader of the left-wing radical emancipation party Bij1, is conducting an intensive campaign to get into the Lower House. She became politically involved with the aim of using her platform and experience for a society that works for everyone: a society in which equality, justice and solidarity are central. That is why she founded the BIJ2016 party in 1. Two years later she became the party's first representative in the Amsterdam city council, where she put subjects such as racism and inequality on the agenda. She was successful with her passed motion to allow municipal officials to follow privilege training courses to combat discrimination in the workplace, which has now been translated into policy. The climate crisis was also declared on the initiative of Amsterdam BIJ1, and Sylvana played a major role in the adopted proposal to apologize for the slavery past.

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Ribbius Peletier medal

This year, the Ribbius Peletier medal goes to Sylvana Simons for her efforts in North Holland politics. The award bears the name of the first female administrator in North Holland. The Provincial Council of Noord-Holland awards the medal every year to a woman who makes herself useful for the position of women in politics. They have been doing this since the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in 2019.

Also read: VVD wants more competition in public transport

Paramaribo, Suriname
Sylvana Simons was born in 1971 in Paramaribo, Suriname