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Bertho Eckhardt was reappointed by the members as chairman of the trade association Royal Dutch Transport. After two terms, he still has a warm heart for the mobility industry. In order to be able to give shape to his appointment for a third term, amendments to the articles of association were necessary, but the members also agreed to this.


KNV chairman Eckhardt has a large network and has built up a lot of trust among the members of the KNV with his lobby in The Hague. In 2019, he stepped down as chairman of the Bovag industry club because he would no longer be beyond doubt after a compliance investigation at insurer Bovemij. Eckhardt was also a supervisory director at Bovemij. Eckhardt was also a beloved chairman at Bovag.


During the pandemic, KNV chairman Bertho Eckhardt angry after a statement by former Minister van Nieuwenhuizen who had advised travelers to only take a taxi if it was absolutely necessary. And to make matters worse, entrepreneurs in taxi and coach transport were not yet eligible for the TOGS scheme. “Incomprehensible,” said KNV chairman Bertho Eckhardt.


Some time ago he called on clients to be 'lenient' when they see that their clients are not transported on time or even not at all. Due to a lack of drivers, rosters cannot be filled in optimally. According to Bertho Eckhardt, that problem is also the client's problem. Finally, we have to 'solve' the problem together. The fire organization is in talks with the unions to draw extra attention to the profession of driver, but chairman Eckhardt is also realistic: "This problem will not be solved overnight."

Read also  Transport: taxis are becoming more expensive while the sector is under pressure

about KNV

Royal Dutch Transport is the umbrella organization for professional passenger transport. KNV Healthcare Transport and Taxi and Bus Transport Netherlands are part of Royal Dutch Transport. KNV represents both the collective and individual interests of its members. As a trade association, KNV is continuously involved in public and private consultation structures. Thanks to this continuous active participation, KNV is able to effectively represent the interests of its sectors and makes an important substantive contribution to mobility issues at both national and international level. Good contacts with politicians and the civil service are of great importance in this regard. In order to further optimally represent the members' interests, the KNV works closely with national and international interest groups, such as the employers' organization VNO-NCW, the IRU and the UITP.

Also read: Jantine Vochteloo secretary KNV Healthcare Transport and Taxi

Bertho Eckhardt
Bertho Eckhardt - chairman KNV and Bus transport Netherlands