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The “freedom convoy” has announced its intention to demonstrate on Monday in the center of Brussels. No license application has been formally submitted to the local authorities. The convoy was therefore not authorized. The Prime Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Rudi Vervoort and the Mayor of Brussels Philippe Close have also banned demonstrations with motorized vehicles. Honking and often sporting French flags, the convoy gathered last night at the Auchan in Fâches-Thumesnil, just below Lille in northern France. 

The federal police monitor traffic towards Brussels. What the police certainly want to avoid is that the freedom convoy blocks traffic in and around Brussels. She will initially contact the drivers to explain to them by means of a flyer what is and is not authorized. They may be accompanied by the police. Only then will the police consider the possibility of taking more repressive measures, including by means of checks. This happens, for example, when groups of motorists organize blockades on the highway or head towards the center. Brussels Airport called on travelers to leave for the airport on time and to preferably take the train.

close VRT and RTBF

The police seized objects that do not belong in a peaceful demonstration and remained vigilant throughout the territory. It would be knives and balaclavas. Filter blockades were organized around Brussels to keep a motorized demonstration away from the center. Because it appeared that some of the demonstrators were on their way to the buildings of the VRT and RTBF in Reyerslaan, the main entrances there were closed at the request of the police. The “freedom convoys” have come over from Canada, where truckers have been protesting against the corona measures for some time. There was also an action in the French capital Paris on Saturday.

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Also read: Respect for the ban on the freedom convoy in Brussels

no half measures on the way to Schumanplein in Brussels