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Taxi drivers have to travel for work. If this is necessary and not possible at any other time. They do not need forms for this. Also, picking up or bringing someone who is at work in the evening is not a valid reason to be outside during curfew. To go home after working hours, it is best to use a taxi. Public transport and taxis may therefore continue to operate during curfew. Make sure that you have the correct papers to be transported after 21.00 p.m. because not everyone is allowed on the road then. Not even in the taxi. Make a price agreement in advance with your local taxi company to pick you up daily. 

According to the national government, babysitting is not a valid reason to be outside during curfew. So if a grandparent comes to babysit the children, he has to be home before nine or take a taxi afterwards. Parents with a crucial profession can make use of emergency care through a childminder, but this is only possible if they are registered with a childminder. They are therefore allowed to bring and collect their children during curfew. If you have to go outside because you need medical help or because you have to help someone else, you must in principle have a statement of your own. This does not apply to 'disaster', where there is no time to provide a form. Pharmacies remain open during regular opening hours. So for this too you can use the taxi to pick up medicines.

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Summary in pictures: Curfew

Petrol stations remain open for fuel and related items. The food section of shops at petrol stations is closed to the public between 20.45 pm and 06.00 am. Just like the other stores in the food industry. The collection or drop-off of travelers allowed to travel during curfew is not permitted. For this, travelers can use the taxi. National freight transport, including city logistics and supplies, is one of the valid reasons for traveling during curfew as work.

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