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Recently, the youth organization TeamAlert started its annual campaign “Drug free” again. With this campaign, TeamAlert wants to motivate young people to arrange a safe trip home, after a festival or a night out. After almost two years of living without festivals or evenings out, young people can finally let loose again. The urge to bang among young people is great, according to recent research by the Trimbos Institute. Too many young people still drive home after swallowing a pill or sniffing a line at a festival – the police arrest about 1.000 people per month for having used drugs in traffic. Dangerous, and not just for yourself! The risk of an accident is increased by up to 200 times due to a combination of alcohol and drugs.

Plan your trip. Drive drug free

With the slogan “Plan your trip. Drive drug-free” TeamAlert wants to encourage young people to secure a safe ride home. This can be done by making good agreements in advance in the form of a sober driver, going home by public transport, or staying the night until you can get back on the road. The campaign was recently kicked off. After the HIDE Festival in Nieuwegein, partygoers were taken safely to Utrecht Central Station by party bus. In the party bus, the party continued with disco lights, music and smoke machines, so that young people realize that it is a party to go home by alternative transport.

De the countryside can mainly be seen online until August 31 on Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, because that is where the target group can be found. Campaign videos with clear action alternatives and the use of various influencers encourage young people to make smart choices in traffic. As a giveaway, young people have a chance to win a party bus trip with friends to and from a festival of their choice in the Netherlands. In addition, a campaign toolkit with campaign materials is available. This material is free for municipalities, provinces and other organizations to share, to further spread the message of “Drug Free” and to reduce drug use in traffic. Let's all make sure that young people become aware of the danger of driving with drugs on, and therefore do not get behind the wheel under the influence or ride with someone else who is under the influence.

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