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Congratulations to the FNV and finally justice for the taxi sector after the profit achieved in the Amsterdam court last week. Drivers who work for this platform company are not self-employed but employees. A very harsh judgment from the court after not only FNV but also the judge designated the Uber drivers as the ultimate bogus self-employed. Mixed feelings when the Telegraaf unpacked with the headline that the judge puts an end to cheap taxi rides with Uber.

The platform company has been balancing on the edge of the legal allowable for years. Taxi companies and the trade association fell over Uber and even more about the revenue model. The ruling may also have implications for other platform companies in the gig economy.

anti-zzp attitude

It is clear that trade unions have nothing to do with bogus self-employment. But also pull the ears of the drivers who went to work en masse for Uber. In good days you didn't hear them complain, but in bad times they demonstrated en masse on the Malieveld. More than 4000 drivers try to earn something every day through this way of working. The ruling is therefore also a victory for the vast majority of sincere self-employed workers.

When you read the verdict, Uber's working method has confirmed everything that bogus self-employment. Through the Uber app, the American company has total control over the driver, his rates and availability. Strange that the union had to arrange this with the judge and the tax authorities did not sound the alarm earlier. The law offers sufficient scope to expose any form of subordination and to punish disguised forms of employership.

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Anyway: congratulations to FNV and now we hope that Uber will have to take into account the repayment of millions in missed premiums and wages in the coming years. Low prices are nice, but not when you know that drivers and society foot the bill.

Also read: FNV wins: Uber must hire drivers

Uber taxi app